3D Controller

3D Controller

My Role
3 Months

Project Overview: Cartier Design 3D Controller Creation

As the web designer and creator for cartier-design.webflow.io, the goal of the project was to build a highly functional and visually engaging website that showcased Cartier Design's unique offerings. The site served as a digital portfolio, highlighting our expertise in design, development, and 3D product animation.

Key Project Details:

  • Website Purpose:The website was designed to provide an immersive experience for potential clients, demonstrating Cartier Design’s capabilities in web design, 3D animations, and creative marketing solutions. It also served as a hub for information on our various services, driving leads and conversions.
  • Core Features:
    1. 3D Product Animation Display: A primary focus was the seamless integration of 3D animations to showcase our work, offering an interactive view of design concepts. This included mouse-over animations, scroll-triggered elements, and real-time 3D models.
    2. Responsive Design: The website was optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop views, ensuring a consistent and engaging user experience across all devices.
    3. Service Pages: Each service (e.g., web design, development, animation) had dedicated pages elaborating on offerings, case studies, and process explanations.
    4. Contact and Conversion Elements: Conversion elements such as strategically placed CTAs (e.g., ‘Request a Demo’, ‘Schedule a Call’) were designed for easy navigation. The layout guided users towards engagement and lead generation.
    5. Custom Branding and Design: The website’s aesthetic reflected Cartier Design’s premium feel, utilizing a clean, modern design with a palette that complemented the branding of Cartier Marketing.
  • Platform:The site was built on Webflow, leveraging its no-code, design-driven interface to allow for easy updates, fast loading times, and flexibility with custom animations.
  • SEO and Performance:The design followed best practices in SEO, ensuring meta tags, alt text, and page load speed optimizations were in place. Lightweight designs and scalable visuals were prioritized for performance without sacrificing creativity.
  • Content Strategy:Compelling content was crafted to speak to our audience—businesses seeking high-end design solutions. This included testimonials, a portfolio section with case studies, and blog posts on industry trends and insights.
  • Timeline:The project was executed over 4-6 weeks with key milestones:
    • Initial wireframes and design mockups: Week 1-3
    • Development and 3D animation integration: Week 3-8
    • Testing and final revisions: Week 9
    • Launch: Week 10


Once the design concepts were approved, we moved into the development phase, where the interactive elements and animations were built out. The project was completed successfully, resulting in a dynamic and responsive website that showcased Cartier Design’s expertise in an engaging and visually captivating manner.